The Lemur Toolkit
Below is a summary listing of the features found within the Lemur Toolkit:
- Sophisticated structured query languages (using InQuery and Indri)
- Support for XML and structured document retrieval
- Used commonly with a wide range of research test collections (e.g., TREC CDs 1-5, wt10g, RCV1, gov, gov2)
- Index your web pages with an "out-of-the-box" site search capability
- Interactive interfaces for Windows, Linux, and Web
- Distributed information retrieval and document clustering applications
- Cross-platform, fast and modular code written in C++
- C++, Java and C# APIs
- Free and open-source software
- In use for over 6 years by a large and growing user community
- Multiple indexing methods for small, medium and large-scale (terabyte) collections
- Built-in support for English, Chinese and Arabic text
- Porter and Krovetz word stemming
- Incremental indexing
- Out-of-the-box indexing support for TREC Text, TREC Web, plain text, HTML, XML, PDF, MBox, Microsoft Word, and Microsoft PowerPoint
- Indexes inline and offset text annotations (e.g., part-of-speech and named entities)
- Indexes document attributes
- Supports major language modeling approaches such as Indri and KL-divergence, as well as vector space, tf.idf, Okapi and InQuery
- Relevance- and pseudo-relevance feedback
- Wildcard term expansion (using Indri)
- Passage and XML element retrieval
- Cross-lingual retrieval
- Smoothing via Dirichlet priors and Markov chains
- Supports arbitrary document priors (e.g., Page Rank, URL depth)